God is inviting us to partner with Him in a story much bigger than the one we’ve been telling in our churches. It is a story that answers the cries of our world for restoration and peace and transforms every aspect of our lives, our families, our cities, and the world.
This is the good news of the Kingdom of God. A world renewed and set right!
Vision Video
You are invited to join us in a story worth your whole life. Click below to learn more about where God is calling PV over the next decade.
Read all our FAQs or ask a question about the process!

Plug Me In
The vision of any church does not rise and fall with its leaders and staff. We need everyone to impact. Get plugged into a ministry join the PV family below!
This means real change now. Moms and dads staying together, domestic abuse trending downward, addictions being defeated, and people finding meaning and purpose in their work and generously funding non-profits to renew our communities.
We can become a church that talks openly about what Jesus has saved them from, finding joy in giving their lives to Christ in baptism and going deeper as transformed, sold-out disciples of Jesus.
This church family is committed to bringing races together in our building and across Central Arkansas. Not because it is politically correct, but because it is a gift from God. We will see the fruit of listening and learning from one another as a true colony of heaven as we begin to better reflect the diversity around us in our leadership and membership.
The gospel hasn’t changed. But how we live it should.
Jesus rose again to live in the fullness of God and we can too! That’s what this is all about. The Good News retold for all people.
God’s renewal for all… re.NEW.all

- a church of 2,000 transformed disciples
- baptizing 1,000 people over 10 years
- 30% multi-cultural leadership, membership and staff, representing the neighborhood around us
- known in this city for how well we equip families and parents
INITIATIVE TEAMS are working in and being formed around areas of ministry where our passions and talents as a church family meet the needs of this city. These teams begin not with action plans, but in intentional times of prayer and discernment, listening for God’s direction before any ideas are even brainstormed. Then they begin researching best practices and work toward plans that will glorify God and make a renewing difference in this world.
Some examples of these areas of ministry are: Guest Services, Multi-Cultural Involvement/Bridge Building, Disciple & Empower the Next Generation, Men’s & Women’s Ministries, Sunday Experience, Multi-Ethnic Small Groups, Recovery/Mental Health Programs, Jail Ministry/Campus, Alpha Courses (answering questions of life, faith and God in community), Multi-Site/Campus, More Short-Term Mission Trips (30% of PV participating), More First-Time Guests (1500 per year), Better Support Foster Families/Adoptions/Reunification, Local School Support, GED Programs, Job Skills Development Programs, Church Plants, Support Immigrant Community
If you would like to get involved in any of these areas, click the link below for more information!
Each strategy will be prayerfully researched and planned by initiative teams comprised of staff and volunteer leaders.