Welcome to PV!
We are group of imperfect people with real problems who serve a very real God. Our mission is to
Learn more about where God is taking us HERE.

Plan Your Visit
10900 Rodney Parham Rd, Little Rock, AR 72212
Worship: 8:30 or 10:45 am | Online
We hope you will join us for worship in the auditorium or online on pvcc.org/tv, Facebook and YouTube.
All are welcome as we sing, receive communion together and hear a message of encouragement from God’s word.
Bible Class & Connection Time: 9:45 am
- Adults meet in age-based discussion classes. Visit the Welcome Center for class lists and locations.
- Classes also meet for birth – 12th grade. Visit the Children’s Welcome Center in the main lobby to be directed to the class for your age group.
Classes and connection opportunities for all ages.
Learn More about PV
Going to a new church can be intimidating and we want to do everything on the front end to help you know what to expect as you plan your visit.
LET US KNOW YOU ARE COMING and our guest service team will be looking for you, help you find a seat and introduce you to some of our favorite people. If you have children, we will have them pre-registered for class and be ready to welcome them and let them start having fun learning about how much God loves them.
Both worship services are held in our main auditorium located on the west side of the building and both last about 60-70 minutes. When you arrive, be sure to visit the Welcome Center in the lobby for information, directions and a free gift!
Services begin with the worship team leading the church in praise & worship. Song lyrics are projected on the screens so you can sing along and/or engage with worship however you feel most comfortable. Our worship style is a cappella, which means voices only (so that is why you won’t see a band).
A leader will guide us in communion (this is done weekly) with a small cracker and juice to remember Jesus and His sacrifice. Then you will hear an encouraging and hope-filled message about life with Jesus.
Feel free to take a look at our livestream to get a better idea!

Join & Connect
We can’t wait to welcome you into this family and partner with you in the gospel at Pleasant Valley!
Joining this church family gives you access to weekly information about how you can connect and grow with us in following Jesus. It also lets our leadership know that you are ready to serve this city with us!
There are no “requirements” or hoops to jump through but a minister or shepherd will reach out to you after you join to welcome you and help you get plugged in. We take your privacy very seriously and will not share this information with other organizations or anyone outside this church’s membership.
If you are part of this church family (or would like to be) but do not receive our weekly emails, we just need a little more contact information. Please complete the join form through the link below.
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