If you would like prayers for something going on in your life or would like to learn more about following Jesus through baptism, text NEXTSTEP to 501-575-3005.

Ready to Join the Family?
We can’t wait to welcome you into this family and partner with you in the gospel at Pleasant Valley!
Joining this church family gives you access to weekly information about how you can connect and grow with us in following Jesus. It also lets our leadership know that you are ready to serve this city with us!
There are no “requirements” or hoops to jump through but a minister or shepherd will reach out to you after you join to welcome you and help you get plugged in. We take your privacy very seriously and will not share this information with other organizations or anyone outside this church’s membership.
If you are part of this church family (or would like to be) but do not receive our weekly emails, we just need a little more contact information. Please complete the join form through the link below.

Connect in a Small Group
Our desire at PV is to be a Christ-centered model of discipleship in everything we do, walking with our members as they follow Jesus, are changed by Jesus, and commit to the mission of Jesus. To that end, all PV-organized groups, whether volunteer or staff-led, will follow this model of discipleship to help members and guests foster connections that aid in personal growth and disciple-making.
PV small groups vary in size and purpose. Click one of the links below to learn more!