Welcome! Pleasant Valley is committed to being the best local church we can be by
following JESUS, building BRIDGES and MAKING DISCIPLES.
Learn more about where we are going over the next ten years here!

We are so happy you are here! If this is your first time worshiping with us,
TEXT your NAME and EMAIL to 501.575.3005 and we will DONATE $5 to a local charity!
We offer a “no stalk” guarantee!
Message and data rates may apply.

If you would like the prayers of Godly men and women or to learn more about being baptized or joining this church family,
text NextSTEP to 501.575.3005
Message and data rates may apply.

OFFERING: Click to Give

Family News
We want to be a true colony of heaven; praying for and supporting one another, sharing our heartaches and celebrations, and living together as a deep community of disciple-makers. To protect each members’ privacy, the family news section is password protected. You can find the password in the PV weekly emails. If you do not receive the emails, please contact us.
Connect with PV!

Over the next decade, we will pour 50,000 volunteer hours into discipling the next generation and sharing the gospel of Jesus only.
At PV, our goal is to equip and walk alongside parents as they disciple their children, teens and young adults to help them live the gospel in real, life-transforming ways. We value all our youth as the church of today, not just tomorrow, and look for every opportunity to make their voices heard.
How to Help
Volunteer Opportunites
Volunteers are being recruited now for Guest Services, Security and Media on Sunday Mornings, Ministering to the Fatherless and Children’s programming.
More opportunities will be added soon by each initiative team.
Let us know what area you would like to volunteer in below!

Join us for opportunities to worship, connect, serve and make disciples!